Privacy Policy Simone Dowding

Privacy Statement

This is to inform you what data Simone Dowding Consulting is collecting from you and what we intend to do with it.

What data does Simone Dowding Consulting SDC keep and why do we need it?

Name and age – this is basic information that helps me get to know you.

Address, email address, phone number – Simone Dowding uses this as a way of contacting you regarding your sessions. 

Next of kin/medical professional’s details – If Simone Dowding was worried that you were at risk then they may need to contact your next of kin or medical professional, if they can. Simone Dowding will let you know when/if she is going to do this.

Session notes – Simone Dowding will  keep brief notes of our session(s).

How will SDC store your data?

It is mainly stored as hard copy in a locked filing cabinet. Immediately after the work is finished, SDC will transfer the data to a password protected computer. Your phone number(s) may be kept in the Breakthrough Companion’s business mobile phone with your first name and last initial. Only we will access your information.

How long will SDC store your data for and how will we dispose of it?

SDC will keep your details and session notes for the time required by  insurers (currently 7 years).

After this time we will destroy any document with your personal information and delete your phone number from the SDC business mobile phone.