Counselling Simone Dowding


Have you ever felt like you've reached the top of the wrong ladder? Your life and work isn't bringing you the happiness you expected?
Lost your purpose? Your relationships unsatisfying? You are feeling sad, alone, depressed? You’re stressed and not coping? You feel like things aren't going to get better?

I know how you feel. I felt a great sense of restlessness, anxiety, but most of all sadness that my light, my passion, my spark had been lost. You see, regardless of our education, professional standing, age, or cultural and ethnic backgrounds, living a life that matters is a search for each and everyone one of us, it is what makes us human.

It's time to find your divine spark

You are not alone

Counselling Simone Dowding

So you are not alone and what you're going through is quite natural and even necessary for your evolution. You know it's time to find your divine spark, what sets Your Soul On Fire, what makes you feel alive and filled with possibility, and most of all, what makes you feel fulfilled and purposeful.

I use CBT, ACT and solution based therapies as well as hypnotic and mindfulness techniques to get you feeling good again. I will design a tailored program especially for you with homework and strategies to implement. It will completely transform your life from the inside out.

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